Feline Spay/Neuter
Canine Spay/Neuter
Rabbit Spay/Neuter
Free Pitbull, Military & Senior
Community/Feral Cats - TNR
Cat Trap Program
Cat Trap Program
The Jefferson SPCA's Loan-A-Trap program offer's a Tru Catch humane cat trap for Jefferson Parish residents free of charge. You must have a spay/neuter appointment scheduled with one of our participating clinics prior to borrowing a trap. Our traps are only for the use of Trap, Neuter and Return of Community Cats. Cats cannot be brought to the shelter or relocated once they are trapped. A Drivers License and credit card is required as a refundable security deposit of $87. If the trap is not returned after 14 days (or rental agreement time) your credit card will be charged for the full price of the trap.
You will have to sign a Trap Loan Agreement agreeing to the below prior to borrowing the trap:
_______I understand that trap(s) are only to be used for Trap-Neuter-Return of feral (community) cats and am borrowing the trap(s) only for that sole purpose. Trapped cats may NOT be taken to an animal shelter for euthanasia or surrender, or relocated or released at a location other than where they were trapped, unless it is deemed by a veterinarian medically inappropriate. (JP Code of Ordinance Section 7-20(c)) Traps may not be used to trap any owned cat, wildlife or hunting purposes; if these animals are trapped accidentally, they must be released unharmed at the location where they were trapped. Traps may not be lent to a third party.
_______I understand the trap must be set on level ground so it will remain steady when the cat enters. I must bait the trap with fresh food every time and that it is my responsibility to reset the trap and provide the bait for the trap. The trap must never be left unattended especially during inclement weather, i.e. extreme cold, extreme heat, storms, etc.
________I understand that any animal, including both socialized and feral cats, can act unpredictably when trapped. I agree to not open any trap, stick hands or fingers inside the trap, or handle any trapped animal unless specifically instructed. I release Jefferson SPCA and its staff and volunteers from any liability for any injuries or damages that may occur from trapping, confining, transporting, or releasing these cats.
________ I understand that when the feral/community cat(s) is/are caught, I need to cover them with a towel or blanket to relieve the animal’s stress immediately. I must take the cat in the covered trap to a vet for spay/neuter within 24 hours. I will trap on a schedule prearranged with the vet doing the spay/neuter surgery.
________ Jefferson SPCA makes no representations and/or warranties as to the trap(s) and I take the trap(s) “as is.”
_______I understand that it is my responsibility to return the trap(s) in the same condition they were lent, and clean—newspapers removed, traps cleaned and disinfected—so the trap can be stored or loaned out right away. In the event that I will need the trap(s) past the above-mentioned return date, I will call Jefferson SPCA and make arrangements; otherwise, Jefferson SPCA will assume that I am not returning the trap(s) and will deposit my check or charge my credit card.
________ I hereby warrant that I have the right to enter into this Agreement. I represent that I am over eighteen (18) years of age.
________ I hereby warrant that I have read this Agreement carefully prior to its execution and fully understand its contents. I am aware that this is a waiver and release of liability and an enforceable legal document between myself and the Jefferson SPCA and I sign of my own free will. This Agreement shall be binding upon me and my heirs, executors, successors, assigns or other legal representatives.
The Jefferson SPCA reserves the right to refuse trap rental to anyone in the event of noncompliance with the terms of this agreement or intentional or knowing misuse, loss or damage of any property. Abandoning animals is animal cruelty. Any person abusing or neglecting a captured animal will be prosecuted.
The Jefferson SPCA offers humane traps for a 14 day rental period. The rental fee is free for the two weeks with a $87 deposit/per trap or credit card on file. The deposit will be returned after the trap has been returned. There will be a $5 trap cleaning fee if the trap is returned dirty. Deposits will not be refunded in the case of lost, damaged or stolen traps.
Learn the truth about Feral Cats and how trap-neuter-return works as a humane solution to eliminating cats. Our friends at Allie Cat Allies have all of the resources needed to help you TNR outdoor cats.
Cat traps available at:
Jefferson Feed Pet & Garden Center
4421 Jefferson Hwy (corner of Central Ave & Jefferson Hwy)
Jefferson, LA 70121
***Remember, a spay/neuter appointment must be made before renting a trap. We will call the veterinarian to verify appointment. Our traps are for Jefferson Parish Residents Only! Email with any questions.***